Turning Earth into Earth
Installation View (Turning Earth into Earth, Third Space, Helsinki, 2018)
I made an image of myself looking at the holes in a sun blind.
Sternenkarte (Star Map). Paper, toner, gouache, watercolour, gesso, tape, wood, glue, cotton duck, screws, staples. 225 x 138 x 38 cm. 2018.
The German term Hinterland is widely used in politics and Human geography, where it describes any remote area under the influence of human settlement. Literally, the term means nothing more than “land behind”, connotes vagueness and a zone of little importance. The exhibition Hinterland emerges from an experience of curiosity concerning our less observed and changing surroundings and the actual role they play for our being. In Hinterland fact and fiction blend together, redefine (cultural) narratives, and discuss their inherent absurdity.
I made an image of myself digging a hole.
Wandlung von Erde in Erde (Turning Earth into Earth). Paper, toner, gouache, watercolour, gesso, graphite, tape, wood, glue, cotton duck, screws, staples. 220 x 142 x 38 cm. 2018.